The Delia Skating Club is a Skate Canada accredited club, operating out of the Delia Arena in an after-school format. We are a registered society, governed by a volunteer executive. We accept skaters age 3 and up for our programs.
Delia Skating Club offers CANSKATE, SKARSKATE, CANPOWERSKATE & PRE-CANPOWERSKATE programs. We have 3 amazing coaches. Kim Larsen is fully certified as a CanSkate & StarSkate. Saralyn Stel, is fully certified as a CanSkate Pre-Power & CanPowerSkate coach. Laura Mason, is certified with level 1 & 2 CanSkate and mentors programs along side Kim.
We also have many young volunteers that help with these programs. Our Club presents a themed Carnival every year towards the end of the season. Everyone is welcomed to come watch our hard working skaters, this year it will be on March 10th 2019.
We have 4 executive volunteers.
President, Kelly Raugust – 403-820-0120
Vice-President Karla Nielsen,
Treasurer & Registration Chair, Natasha Rosin – 403-334-0377
Secretary, Stephanie Koke.